Notes on Mathematical Methods for Physicists Chapter3

Notes on Mathematical Methods for Physicists §3

Notes on Mathematical Methods for Physicists

Chapter3 Vector Analysis

Review of Basic Properties



(3) Vector polynomials (e.g.) are well-defined.

(4) Unit vectors.

(5) Magnitude

(6) Dot product

(7) Orthogonal

(8) Projection

(9) Direction cosines

(10) Single-column matrix

(11) The addition and multiplication of vectors can also be replaced by single-column matrices.

(12) Transpose of a single-column matrix , called a.

(13) Dot product replaced by multiplication of matrices

Vectors inSpace

Vectors or Cross Product

Definition :

The direction of, i.e., that of, is perpendicular to the plane ofand, such that,, andform a right-handed system.

This can be equivalently represented as

Note that the cross product is a quantity specifically defined forspace.

Scalar Triple Product

Definition :

This quantity is equivalent to the volume of the space in the picture above.

There is

Example Reciprocal Lattice

Let,, and(not necessarily mutually perpendicular) represent the vectors that define a crystal lattice. The displacements from one lattice point to another may then be written

In the band theory of solids , it is useful to introduce what is called a,,such that

and with


Vector Triple Product

The equation can be proved by Levi-Civita symbols and Kronecker delta. There is

Coordinate Transformations


Rotate the axis as the picture below

So thevectornow takes theform

which is equivalent to the matrix equation

It is easy to find that

is orthogonal.

Orthogonal Transformations

It is no accident that the transformation describing a rotation inwas orthogonal. We can rewriteas

Summary : The transformation from one orthogonal Cartesian coordinate system to another Cartesian system is described by anmatrix.


For simplicity , consider first theoperation , in which the sign of each coordinate is reversed. This will lead to

which clearly results in. The change in sign of the determinant corresponds to the change from a right-handed to a left-handed coordinate system (which cannot be accomplished by a rotation). Reflection about a plane also changes the sign of the determinant.

This formula for vector addition , multiplication by a scalar , and the dot product are unaffected by a reflection transformation of the coordinates , but this is not true of the cross product. To see this , look at one component :

The unchanged vectors are called, or, while the other are called, or just. There is

It is easy to find thatchanges sign in the transformation , so it is called a. And the vectoris a vector , so there is a general principle that a product with an odd number of pseudo quantities is "pseudo" , while those with even numbers of pseudo quantities are not.

Successive Operations

Two transformations can be carried out successively. This rule is only true for rotations and/or reflections by applying their relevant orthogonal transformations.

Notes :

1.The operations take place in right-to-left order.

2.The product of two orthogonal matrices is orthogonal , so the combined operation is an orthogonal transformation.

Rotations in

Rotations inis important in practice , so we discuss now in some detail the treatment of rotations in. There is

The argument we made to evaluatecould as easily have been made with the roles of the two unit vectors reversed

In, we find that all the elements ofdepended on a single variable , the rotation angle. In, the number of independent variables needed to specify a general rotation is three. The usual parameters used to specifyrotations are the. The three steps describing rotation of the coordinate axes are the following :

(1) The coordinates are rotated about theaxis counterclockwise (as viewed from positive) through an anglein the range, into new axes denoted,,. (The polar direction is not changed ; theandaxes coincide.)

(2) The coordinates are rotated about theaxis counterclockwise (as viewed from positive) through an anglein the range, into new axes denoted,,. (This tilts the polar direction toward thedirection , but leavesunchanged.)

(3) The coordinates are now rotated about theaxis counterclockwise (as viewed from positive) through an anglein the range, into the final axes , denoted,,. (This rotation leaves the polar direction ,, unchanged.)

The matrices that represent those rotations are


Note the order of.

Note that those matrices are orthogonal with determinant.

Differential Vector Operators

We are going to discuss. Physicists need to be able to characterize the rate at which the values of vectors (and also scalars) change with position , and this is most effectively done by introducing differential vector operator concepts. It turns out that there are a large number of relations between these differential operators , and it is our current objective to identify such relations and learn how to use them.

Gradient ,

Thecharacterizes the change of a scalar field , here, with position. There is

which is of the form corresponding to the dot product of

We have given thematrix of derivatives the name(often referred to in speech as "del phi" or "grad phi") ; we give the differential of position its customary name.

Theis a vector. To prove this , we must show that it transforms under rotation of the coordinate system according to. We have

Having now established the legitimacy of the form, we proceed to givea life of its own. We therefore define

Note thatis a.

In physics , we have.

There is a simple geometric interpretation of the gradient :is the direction of most rapid increase in, and its magnitude is associated with the speed of increasing.

Example Gradient of

Divergence ,

Theof a vector is defined as the operation

Example Divergence of Central Force Field

Consider. We write


We can simplify the equation :

Of course , I have already learnt about the origin of divergence ---- the representative of flux in a differential form. If the physical problem being described is one in which fluid (molecules) are neither created or destroyed , we will also have an, of the form

If the divergence of a vector field is zero everywhere , its lines of force will entirely of closed loops ; such vector fields are termed.

Curl ,

This vector is called theof. Note that when the determinant is evaluated , it must be expanded in a way that causes the derivatives in the second row to be applied to the functions in the third row (and not to anything in the top row) ; we will encounter this situation repeatedly , and will identify the evaluation as being.

Example Curl of a Central Force Field

Consider. Writing

so the result is 0.

Noting that a vector whose curl is zero everywhere is termed.

Differential Vector Operators : Further Properties

Successive Applications of

The possible results include the following :

All five of these expressions involve second derivatives , and all five appear in the second-order differential equations of mathematical physics , particularly in electromagnetic theory.


Laplacian is the divergence of the gradient. We have

Whenis the electrostatic potential , we havein vacuum. This is called the.

Often the Laplacian is written as, orin the older European literature.

Example Laplacian of a Central Field Potential


Irrotational and Solenoidal Vector Fields

The curl of the divergence :